Be a Peer Tutor

Small-Group Tutor Positions
CLASS offers free small-group tutoring for students enrolled in a selection of historically challenging undergraduate courses. Tutors must be current undergraduate or graduate students. Small-group tutors are selected and trained by CLASS using best practices established by the College Reading and Learning Association, the national higher education organization that sets standards for tutor certification.

Individual Tutor Positions
CLASS offers one on one tutoring for Syracuse University students enrolled in many challenging SU undergraduate courses. Tutors met in person or via Zoom based on the preference of the tutor.

– currently enrolled as a graduate or undergraduate student at Syracuse University
– B+ or better in the course you would be tutoring
– minimum 3.0 overall GPA

If you are interested in applying to be a tutor see our student employment notice listed in Handshake on the Career Services website several months prior to the beginning of each semester.