Each school/college has an Academic Integrity Advisor who supports students facing an academic integrity (AI) charge. Students facing an AI charge are also welcome to consult the Academic Integrity Program Coordinator at aio@syr.edu or 315-443-5412.
School of Architecture
Karen Baris | kebaris@syr.edu | 315-443-5075 |
College of Arts & Sciences
Please contact CLASS | aio@syr.edu | 315-443-5412 |
School of Education
Becky Rose (Undergraduate) |
rerose@syr.edu | 315-443-2526 |
Janeice Lopez (Undergraduate) | jlopez60@syr.edu | 315-443-9320 |
Speranza Migliore (Graduate) | smiglior@syr.edu | 315-443-4522 |
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Gabriela Bermudez (Undergraduate) | gbermude@syr.edu | |
Malea Perkins (Undergraduate) | mdperk01@syr.edu | |
Sahar Al Mahmoud (Graduate) | salmahmo@syr.edu | |
Britton Inglehart (Graduate) | bingleha@syr.edu |
Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics
Chandice Haste-Jackson | cmhaste@syr.edu | 315-443-2164 |
School of Information Studies
Kathy Allen | kallen02@syr.edu | 315-443-4133 |
Whitman School of Management
Xavier Norgbey (Undergraduate) | xnorgbey@syr.edu | |
Thomas Hoang (Undergraduate) | tkhoang@syr.edu | |
Elizabeth Turner (Undergraduate) | elturn01@syr.edu | |
Stephanie Ellis (Undergraduate) | sgellis@syr.edu | |
Erica Gromny (Undergraduate) | elgromny@syr.edu | |
Jessica Baker (Undergraduate) | bljbaker27@syr.edu | |
Teresa Asevedo (Undergraduate) | traseved@syr.edu | |
Huong Anh Murphy (Graduate) | hmurphy@syr.edu | |
Gary Cole (Graduate) | gjcole@syr.edu |
Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
Please contact CLASS | aio@syr.edu | 315-443-5412 |
Newhouse School of Public Communications
Karen McGee (Undergraduate) |
kmcgee@syr.edu | 315-443-4722 |
Joel Kaplan (Graduate) |
jkkaplan@syr.edu | 315-443-1429 |
College of Visual and Performing Arts
Andrea Root | acroot@syr.edu | 315-443-2517 |
College of Professional Studies
Cheyenne Chauvin-Pacheco (On Campus Students) |
clchauvi@syr.edu | 315-443-3261 |
Cherri L Wells (Online Students) |
cwells@syr.edu | 315-443-3261 |